
Blog 2024
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January & February
      As winter comes to an end and the fly fishing shows are winding down, it's time to start getting ready for the 2024 fishing season. Just a little recap of what we were doing in December, January and February. The month of December stayed pretty mild, and we were able to fish right up to Christmas Eve. The streamer fishing was great the whole month and some nice browns came to the net. In January and February, we spent the month tying flies and getting ready for the fly fishing shows. I attended four of the biggest shows which were well attended by anglers from all over. 

      With February coming to an end now we'll be getting our boats ready for on the lake and the river to chase bass and some toothy critters. Rods and reels are coming out of their cases and being assembled. The first sign of a decent day in March we'll be heading to the lake. Guide trip dates for trout in April, May and June are filling up pretty quickly. If you're thinking about doing a wet fly guide trip or an early streamer trip right now is the time to book.
      As March comes to a close so does all of the fly fishing shows for the year. I attended four different shows and all were well attended by anglers from all over. We'll be looking forward to all of the shows again next year.

      March has always been a busy month with getting ready to start guiding for the trout season. It's surprising how much prep work goes into getting ready to start the guiding season. This year I started pretty early and I've been ready for a couple of weeks now. From looking at my calendar April, May and June are going to be pretty busy and I am anxious to get started. Again this year I'll be running smallmouth and largemouth trips on the Juniata River and a few lakes during the summer months. If you're interested in experiencing something a little different then trout give me a call and I'll set you up. With a warmwater guide trip.
April  May  June
      WOW, April,May and June has come and gone so quickly and the blog,well I just couldn't keep up with the up dates. It definitely was a busy three months for guide trips. Having retired from my maintenance hospital job April 1st and starting guiding trout guide trips April 2nd I hit the ground running guide trips from Central Pennsylvania to Northern Pennsylvania non stop. With the water being blown out in the central part of the state early on most of the guide trips were moved up to the northern streams in the state. 

      The streams up north had good flows and were running somewhat pretty clear. All of them fished very well and the anglers that I was guiding all were pretty successful. Meanwhile in the central part of the state things were starting to settle down. Those streams were starting to drop to almost normal levels and starting to clear up. Finally in mid May we were able to guide those streams and they fished well.

      With the high water early on most of those early hatches were just not fishable. The grannoms and the sulphurs took a beating from that high water. It also seemed the tan caddis also suffered a little from those high flows. But we made the best of it the first half of the season and all of our anglers were pretty happy. 

      As we head into July it'll be smallmouths and largemouths on the lakes and Juniata River. We'll be chasing these guys throughout the summer months and hopefully putting some decent ones in the boats. We'll also be targeting some smallmouths on the bigger streams in northern PA out of the boat and walk and wade. We'll start trout fishing again in late September.